
Daniel Davies
2 min readFeb 25, 2023


Who am I? A figment of God’s imagination or mine?

Hi, I’m Tony. “How would I describe myself?”, an interesting question. I’ve been reserved since I was a kid. People often think of that description as timid or cowardly. For me, it relates more to minding my business. Unless the people involved are friends or family, I try not to allow trivial externalities occupy space in my mind.

Subconsciously, I’ve always had a love for writing. It’s a shame that I didn’t realize it till much later. I used to want to do music. After some time I realized that I was just chasing a dream I had when I was a lot younger. I didn’t grow up well-off and I wanted all the fame and money these artists were getting, and I made that my dream. But to be honest, my heart wasn’t in it and I wasn’t particularly excited about writing music. I did love the dopamine rush I got whenever I started or finished a songwriting session because my goals were accomplished. However, music came way too hard, and I always got that sense it wasn’t in the cards for me.

Ultimately, I did want to write, it was just a question of “what?”

I started looking for a new passion. Something I was interested in that excited me. I kept looking for what that was, and along the way, I decided to start reading books and articulating my thoughts on paper. I thought, “better something than nothing innit?”, and all of a sudden, I started to enjoy writing. I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself “this is what I need to do”. I started being able to articulate my thoughts better, classify my emotions better, and gain a better understanding of the world around me

Fast forward to today and this is my first article on Medium. The ideas are still in development and there is no detailed plan for what is going to happen next, but one thing I can say for sure is that it’s going to be a good time, so, I hope you find some value in the words I write and the experiences I share. I urge you to relax, stay tuned, and enjoy yourself. Even though I don’t have the clearest idea of what is going to happen next, I’m excited!



Daniel Davies

Probably listening to music. Avid writer. Welcome to my world, feel free to make yourself at home, maybe read a post or two:)